Rules of the Game
You navigate through different eras to discover the history of Paris, its monuments and its artists. At the end of the game, those who have found all 20 fragments will have successfully completed the game, and only one of them will win the F R A G M E N T by drawing lots.
Quiz duration :Approx. 10 questions, approx. 2/7min
What are the fragments for?
Each fragment is part of a puzzle piece that ultimately represents the map of Paris.
What are the coats of arms for?
Every day, you can win one if you get at least 5 answers right. The coat-of-arms is a bonus that gives you a clue to finding your fragments.
One questionnaire per day, per week:
You can take the quiz every day at your own pace, or do it all at the weekend.
If you discover the game late, don't panic, you can catch up by taking the previous quizzes (the links will be posted on this page below).
You'll need to log in every day, giving us your e-mail address, so that we can keep score and send you the crests and fragments.
Deadline: Sunday, March 7 at 10 p.m.
Draw: March 10
For any questions: contact@lafabriquedegenies.